Coloring Book

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The images in Travis’ Catskill Coloring Book are line drawings of her local landscape, buildings, animals and plants the artist has encountered as she paints en plein air, i.e. outside. The drawings were paintings before they were drawing.

Travis does not draw before she paints in watercolor; the line drawings are derived from the original paintings. The intention of the book is definitely NOT to have the “colorer” reproduce the original, rather that “colorers” of all ages be able to create their own paintings of these familiar sites through the drawings.  The quality paper of the pages is of a standard to allow the use of coloring crayons, colored pencils, oil pastels, markers, acrylics, watercolors or some of all.
The drawings in art coloring books are often not simple and children will of course deal with this complexity differently from adults; that is part of the excitement!  Travis’s intention is to capitalize on this growing enthusiasm and create a book celebrating our own distinctive Catskill region. 
In addition, Travis’s book reflects our area’s environmental sensitivities:  it is bound with a wire spiral binding, is Forestry Stewardship Council certified and printed on recycled paper.